Restoration of Books with and without Disassembly: Fondo Gallenga

Library of the University for Foreigners of Perugia

Stefania Zeppieri | Conservazione e Restauro Beni Librari, Archivistici, Opere d'Arte su carta e manufatti Affini | Restauro Fondo Gallenga Perugia - header

Notes about the restoration project

The restoration in question involved 10 volumes of the 16th, 17th and 17th centuries, small and medium-sized specimens, belonging to the Gallenga Stuart Schunk Fund – Library of the University for Foreigners of Perugia.

After a careful visual analysis, we found damages due to manipulation, particularly concerning the blankets and seams. Some volumes also featured paper damage, tears, gaps and decay caused by contact with water.

The types of intervention were restoration without disassembly and / or restoration with partial disassembly (for which some more damaged papers were also detached and treated).

The restoration of the volumes was aimed at recovering all the original elements. Where this recovering was not possible, as the elements were heavily degraded and no longer functional, they were reproduced in full respect of the original.

This project has been carried on for Coo.Be.C, Cooperativa di Beni Culturali, Spoleto.

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